
Monday Night Raw TV report for 10/20/2014

A lot changes in a week when I’m gone! The card for Hell In The Cell this Sunday has been totally changed, in my opinion to the negative. Even though I’m not watching the Pay-Per-View, I still don’t want to see another John Cena VS. Randy Orton bout. These guys should have ended their rivalry for good (or at least a couple of years) after unifying the WWE & World Heavyweight Championships. And while they’ve built Dean Ambrose VS. Seth Rollins really well, I think it’s a little rushed to put them in the cell together; at least with Cena taking on Ambrose initially, there was suspense for the PPV, but now I feel that is gone. Onto tonight…

We are only six away from the pay-per-view, so what will go down on Raw as the combatants try to gain the last advantage on each other? Plus, my picks for the Pay-Per-View following this report. Read on!

Monday Night Raw TV Report for October 20th, 2014 – “Hell Comes Early”

Introduction Segment: Video Promo

Recap of the Cena/Ambrose match from last week’s Raw is shown.

Segment #2: Welcoming and Arena Promo

We go live to the arena, where Michael Cole talks about Hell In The Cell as the structure itself is hanging above the squared circle. “King Of Kings” blares the speakers and The Authority, minus Stephanie McMahon, walks out. Triple H welcomes us too, and announces that Kane, Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins will face Dean Ambrose and John Cena in a three-on-two street-fight!

“The Game” puts over both the dangers of the cell, as well as being able to watch the show on the WWE “for just … $9..99.” Also, HHH cheaply plugs himself as the all-time winner of H.I.A.C. matches. He claims that both the Orton/Cena and Ambrose/Rollins will come to an end Sunday. (I hope!) Seth now takes the microphone and is pleased with his nickname of “Mr. Money In The Bank,” but wants to change it to “undisputed future of the WWE.” Rollins declares that he is the “future,” while Dean won’t be following their collision in Hell In The Cell.

“The Viper” literately takes the microphone from Rollins and says his match with John Cena will be the true main event of H.I.A.C, since they are both veterans. Triple H agrees that they are both correct, and will be a double-main event. He adds to their contest, saying that whoever wins will get a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, currently held by Brock Lesnar! “The King Of Kings” proclaims that both Rollins and Orton will make him proud, because “The Authority all ways wins, and that, oh yea, that is best for business.”

A replay of Damien Mizdow impersonating Sheamus, and getting laid out by the real Sheamus from last week’s Main Event is shown; then the real Sheamus makes his way to the ring for his bout next.


Match #1: Six-Man Tag-Team – United States Champion Sheamus and The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) VS. Tag-Team Champions The Dust Brothers (Goldust and Stardust) and The Miz (with Damien Mizdow) (Non-Title)

Before the bell rings, Miz orders Damien to switch with him, so Mizdow hops the apron and is in this instead! Stardust and Jimmy begin with a standing side-headlock by Stardust, who then slides under Uso. He caught and scoop-slammed by Jimmy, while Miz joins the commentary booth. The Usos switch, as Jey snapmares Stardust. The Dust Brothers tag in and out, working over Jey.


Goldust spinebusters Jey for a two-count, then tags in his brother, who soon tags in Mizdow. He takes down Jey with a neckbreaker, but is booted out of the corner. Jey also blocks a punch from Goldust, and fire back with a jumping enziguri! Both are down, looking for the hot-tag. Jey gets it to Sheamus, while Goldust tagged in Mizdow.

Sheamus rolls over Damien and The Brothers. He plants Mizdow with a tilt-a-whirl over-the-shoulder slam, then a melee breaks out. Jey soars over the ropes onto Goldust. Stardust follows up with a springboard back-splash, and Sheamus rockets off the top with a Battering Ram shoulder-tackle! He gets Mizdow back in the ring, but is distracted by Stardust. He nails him with the Brogue kick, but Mizdow rolls him up from behind, clutching his trunks for the victory!

Winners via Pinfall: Tag-Team Champions The Dust Brothers (Goldust and Stardust) and The Miz (with Damien Mizdow)

Post-match, Miz goes ballistic in celebration, both by himself and with Mizdow!


Segment #3: Office Promo

Triple H and Randy Orton have a conversation, where Orton puts himself over and says that HHH will be proud of him after Hell In The Cell. “The Game” reveals that it was Seth Rollins’ thought, which he is happy with. Orton concludes that he is going to find and have a chat with Rollins.

Segment #4: Video Promo

The weird Wyatt Family video that has been airing recently re-airs, but with some new footage and prophesies from Bray added. At t end, he claims “it’s coming,” as he sits in a rocking chair, then disappears amid smoke and strange language.

Divas Champion A.J. Lee makes her entrance, as she will be wrestling next!


Match #2: Single – Divas Champion A.J. Lee VS. Alicia Fox (with Paige) (Non-Title)

(Note: It is announced that Paige will challenge A.J. for the Championship at Hell In The Cell.) Fox begins with a standing headlock and shoulder-block. A.J. comes back with a couple of pin combos and kick-to-the-stomach. Fox hits a boot of her own, to A.J.’s face, then rams her head twice into the top turnbuckle. Fox spins Lee around with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then rips at her face with a grounding facelock. She chokes A.J. in the corner with her foot, but the Divas Champion hits back with a double-boot! She comes off the ropes with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, sending Alicia to the outside. On the floor, Paige suddenly shoves Fox into the apron and rolls her in the ring. Paige hops the apron, distracting A.J., which allows Alicia to roll up Lee for the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pinfall: Alicia Fox

Post-match, Alicia and Paige celebrate, exposing their small tiff to be a ruse and get the cheap win.

Segment #5: Locker Room Promo

Randy Orton enters Seth Rollins’ locker room and thanks him for setting up the Cena/Orton provision. However, he is still skeptical and wants to know why. Seth claims he is “looking out” for Orton, telling him that he can end one of the great rivalries, then challenge Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After that, Seth insinuates that he will cash in his briefcase by holding it up.


Segment #6: Arena Promo

“The Viper” Randy Orton is out to talk about his Hell In The Cell match with John Cena. He recounts their career paths, both breaking into WWE in 2002. Orton totes how he is a third-generation “royalty,” while “Cena was just some ‘punk kid’ from Boston, Massachusetts, who thought that he could rap.” Randy calls his feud with Cena one of the greatest, along with Hogan/Piper, Shawn/Bret, and Rock/Austin. Orton admits that he does respect Cena, but the former “Dr. Of Thug-A-Nomics” has nothing on Orton. “You can take your ‘hustle,’ your ‘loyalty,’ you and your ‘respect,’ and shove it up your ass!” Orton declares that he will be Cena again, much like at the Royal Rumble in January 2014. “I will beat you, and I will savour every second of it.”

Before he can go further, John Cena’s music plays, and the man himself marches out. He orders Randy to “shut up,” and stop reminiscing. “I got my eyes on you, because if I can survive the cell on Sunday, I get what I want. And what I want to do, is I want to fight ‘The Beast.’” Getting up close and personal, Cena states, “this Sunday, you are going to be locked in that cell with a man on a mission.”

A third-party now enters the conversation. “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.” The advocate for WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar walks out. He reminds both Orton and Cena that Lesnar was another part of the “Class of 2002,” outshining them both by being the Undisputed WWE Champion then, as he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion now. Heyman tells Orton that he wants no part of “The Beast,” while Cena wants “The Beast” and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship together.

Cena suddenly picks up Paul E. in an Attitude Adjustment position, but thinks twice and puts him down. Heyman begs, which allows Orton to plant Cena with the RKO Heyman stands by and laughs, but then receives an RKO too! Randy chucks Cena’s cap into the crowd and poses on the turnbuckle.

Cole, Lawler, and Layfield review Mark Henry and Big Show standing up to Rusev and Lana from last week’s Raw. Up next, Rusev will be in action!


Match # 3: Single – Big E. VS. Rusev (with Lana)

Lockup to start out, with both shoving off each other. They elbow/collar tie-up again, this time into the corner where Rusev shoves off. They go for a third, then Rusev kicks away in the corner. He runs him into another turnbuckle, then delivers a couple of other kicks. Big E. comes back with a running body splash, which knocks Rusev to the outside. They both battle, with Big E. taking advantage after running Rusev into the barricade. Back in the ring, Big E. rams his shoulder into Rusev, but “The Bulgarian Brute” regains domination with kicks and a grounding front-facelock. Rusev viciously stomps on Big E., then nails a spin-kick a bit later.


Big E. works his way out of a clutch submission, and tosses Rusev overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex! Rusev hammers back with a big kick, then clamps on The Accolade, forcing Big E. to tap.

Winner via Submission: Rusev (with Lana)

Post-match, Lana has the microphone and informs us that Big Show will fail at Hell In A Cell. Rusev threatens that he will “rip your giant heart out and devour it!” They pose, but no Russian flag drops down. While wondering, Big Show appears on the tron and also wonders. Then, instead of the Russian Flag, America’s flag drops down. Rusev goes to yank it down, but a man dressed in an army outfit struggles into the ring, with security trying to pull him away. Rsuev kicks the apparent serviceman to the mat, then walks away. Security and medical staff tend to the downed man, who appears bloody.


Segment #7: Arena Promo

Big Show is now in the ring, visibly shaken from the most recent events. “There are certain lines you don’t cross. You do not disrespect an American Soldier, ever. Rusev, you want my attention? You want to get inside my head? Young man, my head is a very dark place to be. And right now, what you just did is going to make me unleash every bit of wrath I have in me all over your head! I am an American, I am a giant, and at Hell In A Cell, Rusev, your fifteen minutes in the WWE is up!”

Show leaves the ring, but changes his mind and returns. “On second thought, the hell with Hell In A Cell. Rusev, get out here now!” Big awaits the Russian’s response for a bit, but no answer. “Fine, you won’t come to me, I’ll come to you!” Big Show exits and storms to the back, looking for Rusev. He finds Rusev’s locker room and kicks the door in, but no one is inside. A furious-looking Show walks out.

Segment #8: Locker Room Promo

A movie is playing on a TV, then the camera pans to a spooked Dean Ambrose (to loud cheers!) John Cena walks in and wonders what’s up. Ambrose is startled, then claims he is doing some research. The movie is “See No Evil 2,” featuring Kane. Dean says Kane is “sick,” but Cena still can’t make the connection. Ambrose compares himself and Cena to Superman and Batman; Cena stands for “truth and justice,” while Dean likes to “beat up scumbags.” Ambrose says he is “undefeated in contract-on-a-pole matches,” but even better in three-on-two street-fights! Ambrose says they will “throw punches at anything that moves, and if they insist on taking us down, then we’re going to take as many of them down with us as we can. That’s how we handle it.” Cena concurs, but informs Dean that he is more like The Joker than Batman.


Match #4: Single – Summer Rae VS. Brie Bella

Brie takes this one following a small battle, after a sit-down facebuster, much to Nikki Bella’s chagrin, who was watching on the monitor backstage..

Winner via Pinfall: Brie Bella


Segment #9: Arena Promo

Dean Ambrose comes out with a bag behind his back. He says that he has been waiting four months to get his hands on Seth Rollins and do stuff to him. Ambrose pulls out a mannequin that resembles Rollins. He tears him apart, then harms the dummy with various tools.

Rollins now walks out to the stage and takes shots at Dean’s little stunt, calling it a “comedy.” Ambrose chucks the arm of the dummy, but Seth moves, then berates the fans. Ambrose threatens to start Hell In A Cell now, as Rollins approaches the ring. “You know, I don’t sweat you Ambrose. I don’t sweat that drill in your hand, and I don’t sweat Hell In A Cell.”

For the second time, another third-party interjects. The man who redefined Hell In A Cell makes a surprise appearance, giving advice to Rollins and Ambrose. Mick Foley walks out and gets in between Dean and Seth. He recalls a conversation where his daughter was excited after seeing The Shield compete for the first time in December of 2012. Foley agreed that they were one of the most dominate teams he’d ever seen, but also pictured a time when Seth and Dean would face each other. In those pictures, Mick says Rollins came out on top “in almost every scenario.”

Rollins revels in this statement, but Foley reminded him, “almost.” Mick looks up to the steel confinement (or lack there of in some cases of H.I.A.C. matches) and calls it “no ordinary scenario.” He cites that Hell In A Cell is the right place for Dean Ambrose to do what he wants to Rollins. Mick recounts the night he took part in arguably the most famous H.I.A.C. bout of all-time, on June 28th, 1998. He gets in Rollins face and shows him his face, where the scars of a tooth being shoved into his nose still remain. “You’ll find scars that night left on me, I’m proud of them.” Foley warns them, “the scars you will not heal from; the scars that will haunt you for a life time are the emotional wounds that will not heal.”

The fans break out into a “Thank You Foley” chant. Ambrose responds, saying that he has “lost my innocence a long time ago.” Dean says that Mick may be the only person that understands him, just a little bit. He tells Mick to look into his eyes and know that he is good-to-go for H.I.A.C., then tells Rollins “was it worth it? Were you read for Hell In A Cell? Ask yourself, ask your self!” Rollins retorts, “it’s not about how ‘crazy’ you are, it’s about how ‘smart’ you are.”

Foley says he has two lives: “pre-Hell In A Cell and post-Hell In A Cell.” He cautions them that they won’t be ready for life after H.I.A.C. “On Sunday night, October 26th, when that cell door slams and you’re locked inside it, the two of you, you’ll get the match you’ve been waiting for your entire lives. Have a nice day.”

Mick leaves while Rollins and Ambrose stare each other down. Seth turns to leave as Dean suddenly swings at him with a chair. Ambrose chucks the dummy at Seth, Joey Mercury, and Jamie Noble.

Up next, Cesaro will go one-on-one with Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler!


Match #5: Single – Cesaro VS. Intercontinental Champion “The Show-Off” Dolph Ziggler (Non-Title)

Both wrestlers trade takedown-tries until Cesaro hits a shoulder-block and elbow. He wears Dolph down with a grounding chinlock, and then counters a hip-toss with a straight punch! Dolph slips out of a scoop-slam and nails a smacking dropkick. He clotheslines Cesaro over the ropes and runs him into the barricade. Ziggler sunset-flips himself over Cesaro from the apron into the ring for two, but Cesaro comes back with a hard shot.


Dolph elbows his way out of a wasitlock, but Cesaro catches him out of another sunset-flip into a double-knee buster! From the middle of the second rope, Cesaro rockets with an elbow drop for two! He goes for another move from the top turnbuckle, but the I.C. Champ counters with another dropkick! He runs at Cesaro with a couple clotheslines then a splash in the corner! Dolph gains the momentum and jumps on Cesaro with an elbow. Cesaro knees back, but Dolph reverses a Neutralizer try into a facebuster! 1 – 2 – Cesaro gets the shoulder up!

Dolph leaps again, but is caught. He hops off and slides under, trying a kick, but Cesaro spins him around and finishes this one with a sudden uppercut!

Winner via Pinfall: Cesaro

Segment #10: Office Promo

Randy Orton and Seth Rollins are arguing, with Kane watching on. Triple H walks in and demands this to be enough. He makes Kane the “general,” who yells at them to basically “straighten-up and fly right.”


It is announced that Miz and Damien Mizdow will host MizTV with Paul Heyman, Booker T. and Alex Riley on the Hell In A Cell pre-show.

Segment #11: Video Promo

A montage of Hell In A Cell matches is aired, putting over the brutal bout.

Segment #12: Video Promo

The same Wyatt Family video from earlier re-airs.

John Cena now makes his entrance, followed by Dean Ambrose as they await The Authority.


Match #6: Three-On-Two Streetfight – John Cena and Dean Ambrose VS. The Authority (Kane, “The Viper” Randy Orton, and “Mr. Money In The Bank” Seth Rollins)

This begins with one big brawl between all, until it squares down to Ambrose and Rollins. Dean reverses an Irish Whip in the corner and brings Rollins out with a bulldog. He stomps on Seth’s chest then ties him up in a bow-and-arrow lock. He chucks Seth to the outside and rips the cover of the announce table off. It breaks down again, until Ambrose leaps from the announce table onto everyone with an elbow! He grabs a chair from underneath the ring, then whales on Rollins in the ring! Dean goes back to under the ring and pulls a table. Before he can use it, Kane hits both him and Cena hard.


Rollins is back in control, ripping at Dean’s nose in the ring. The heels dominate for a while, with it being mainly Rollins all over Ambrose. Orton now in and continues to work Dean, until he is taken down with a front-dropkick by Ambrose. He gets the hot-tag to Cena, to takes out both Rollins and Kane. John takes another table from under the ring and tries to A.A. Rollins, but Seth pushed the table over and ran Cena head-first into a chair setup in the corner. Orton is decimating Ambrose on the outside with the help of Kane, and a set of steel steps.

In the ring, Rollins sets up the table against the corner, and counters Cena with a flip-over reverse DDT! 1 – 2- Cena kicks out! Kane hurls John over the announce table, then into the other set of steps, as well as the ring post. Back in the ring, Kane chucks Cena through the table! Kane drags him out of the corner, and orders the Hell In A Cell to lower. The cage surrounds the ring, with Dean getting back in just in time. Cena makes the second hot-tag, allowing Ambrose to come unhinged on The Authority!

He dropkicks Seth into a cell wall, and clotheslines Randy. He takes a kendo stick and whacks away; then gives him a Russian legsweep using the stick. He leaps off the second rope with a chair, crushing Orton’s body. Dean hammers Kane over the back, then tosses both Randy and Seth over the ropes. Dean follows with a suicide dive, but Orton rams Ambrose’s head into the ring post. He sets up for the R.K.O., but Cena sneaks in and sets up for an A.A. Orton wiggles out and Kane chokeslams Cena. Ambrose goes for a clothesline, but Orton catches him with an R.K.O. for the victory!

Winners via Pinfall: The Authority (Kane, “The Viper” Randy Orton, and “Mr. Money In The Bank” Seth Rollins)

Post-match, Rollins suddenly Curb-Stomps Orton, and yells “I call the shots around here!” After replays, Seth has ascended the cell and poses atop to close the show.

End Of Raw.

Reporter’s Rumblings – By Moe Tapp

This was a great, promo-filled Raw; some good and some bad. But definitely a good “closer” before the Pay-Per-View. Onto the analysis:

Excellence: In-ring promos of The Authority, Randy Orton, John Cena, Paul Heyman, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Mick Foley. All of these men did a superb job in the ring of putting over the importance of the two main-event Hell In A Cell matches. As I said above, and I still am not totally thrilled by another Cena/Orton contest, at least they put on a microphone showdown to try and get people interested. It was very intense and very realistic. The addition of Paul Heyman was good, so we are reminded of who the WWE World Heavyweight Champion is (Brock Lesnar) and what is role could be/is with this whole situation.

As usual, Foley hit it out of the park! That was extra-special to have him a part of Rollins/Ambrose, since he has put his body through so much in the H.I.A.C. matches, so he really knows what happens and what they may or may not walk away with.

The main event was done nicely too and I like the twist of Rollins flattening Orton with the Curb-Stomp, thereby taking charge.

Really loving the Rusev/Big Show feud and tonight amped it up. Even though the army soldier was a pretty clear “plant,” (I will retract/apologize in next week’s report if that gentlemen was for real after all; but they wouldn’t focus on him so much if he wasn’t meant to be there), it was still effect and Show’s emotions afterward were the best I’ve seen him in a long while. This is really your classic good-guy/bad-guy feud.

Great match between Ziggler and Cesaro.

Really intrigued by these new, eerie Wyatt Family videos and wondering what they will come back looking like, and perhaps with a new member (female?)

Bogus: Even though I liked the in-ring promos of The Authority, I thought they were featured a little too much backstage. They could’ve left those out, as it seemed overdone to have them on almost every segment.

Did not/do not care for the Bella Twins feud. Started great shortly after SummerSlam, but has fizzled out since.

They have to stop having the same matches Raw as they did just a few days ago on Smackdown. (6-Man Tag, for example). Also, the frequent six-man tag-teams have to go; when I was growing up watching, these were special. Now they’re almost every show and have been greatly “watered down.”

Hell In A Cell Predictions: Nikki over Brie by nefarious means; Rusev over Big Show, with Henry turning on Show; Sheamus to retain U.S. Championship; The Dust Brothers will keep their Tag-Team Championship; A.J. will retain her Divas Championship to put an end to her feud with Paige; Randy Orton defeats John Cena and begins a program with Lesnar/Heyman (based on Orton RKO-ing Paul E); Ambrose/Rollins somehow indecisive

To end this report, I offer my condolences to Ox Baker’s family and friends. While I never knew of him until the news of his passing (I did not grow up in the era of the WWWF), as I always say, may God rest his soul and provide love and support to his family and friends at this time.

Until next week, take care Wrestling-Online Readers and Wrestling Fans.

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