
Monday Night Raw TV report for 09/15/2014

With just six nights away until all titles are on the line at Night Of Champions, what will go down tonight on Raw? We know that John Cena has called out his opponent, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar; or else he will try to take out Lesnar’s advocate Paul Heyman. Which man will Cena be able to get his hands on this evening? Also, who else will be getting an advantage over their opponents before they face each other at the Pay-Per-View? Read on to find out!

Monday Night Raw T.V. Report for September 15th, 2014 – “Championship Rally”

Introduction Segment: Welcoming and Arena Promo

Justin Roberts asks us to welcome Paul Heyman. The advocate for WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar is in the ring and begins to talk about the main event for Night Of Champions. Heyman says John will be out first, (mocking his theme music) and all the children will cheer him; then out will come Lesnar, and everyone will boo him.

Before he goes further, John Cena does indeed come out to a decent ovation. Cena says “I don’t see him,” referring to the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He inquires Paul on where his client is, and threatens “I’m either going to fight him, or I’m going to fight you.” Heyman obliges, and builds up the showdown for tonight; then as Cena turns around and faces the stage, no Lesnar, but a laughing Paul E. behind him. He informs Cena that Brock is delayed by plane, but will still be here. He speculates that Cena picked this moment to confront Paul and Brock, because he really doesn’t want to fight the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Night Of Champions., as he knows what will probably go down. Heyman gives him credit for “fooling” him and starts to walk away, but Cena grabs him by the head. He gives Paul a stern warning that if Lesnar doesn’t show by “halftime,” then it will be Heyman who Cena fights. Heyman walks off again, but Cena clutches him in a headlock and drags him to the back, wanting to ensure the fight.

After a recap of last week’s conclusion to Raw, Chris Jericho makes his entrance; he will be in action, next!


A video is shown of John Cena hauling Paul Heyman to his locker room.

Match #1: “Y2J” Chris Jericho VS. “The Big Red Machine” Kane

Kane slugs away early, but is sent to the floor by Jericho, who follows up with a springboard dropkick and top-rope custody! He runs at Kane, but is met with a stiff punch. Kane rams him into the ring apron and back into the ring. he runs Jericho into the corner, but Jericho leaps up, then hits an enziguri. Jericho hits another couple of kicks, then some chops in the corner. He clamps on a standing-modified headlock, but is elbowed down after running off the ropes. Kane hurls him to the outside.


Kane is wearing Jericho down with a grounding headlock, but “Y2J” battles out of it. Kane regains control quickly, squeezing on his shoulders and another grounding headlock. He clotheslines Jericho in the corner and drops him with a sidewalk slam for a near-fall! Kane climbs the turnbuckle, but Jericho counters the dive with a dropkick! He hits a couple of shoulder blocks, then leaps off the top with a chop, knocking “The Big Red Machine” down. Jericho gives Kane nine punches in the corner, but Kane reverses the tenth, dropping Jericho onto the turnbuckle.

Kane tears away the protective covering of the turnbuckle, but Jericho slides under. He climbs and soars with another crossbody! 1 – 2 – Kane kicks out! Jericho attempts the Walls Of Jericho, but Kane flips him out. He tries a chokeslam, but Jericho reverses into a DDT for two! He tries the Codebreaker, but Kane shoves him off and nails a boot-to-the-face. 1 – 2 – Jericho kicks out! He tries a Tombstone Piledriver, but Jericho slips out and plants him with a running bulldog. Chris springs off the middle rope with a Lionsault, but Kane catches him in a chokeslam. Jericho gets out of it and dropkicks Kane face-first into the open turnbuckle; Jericho rolls him up to get the hard-earned victory!

Winner via Pinfall: “Y2J” Chris Jericho


Review of Rusev and Mark Henry’s Arm Wrestling Challenge from Smackdown is shown. Later tonight, Henry will “Rally America.”

Segment #2: Backstage Promo

Rene Young is with Roman Reigns, who will take on Seth Rollins later tonight. After a video of The Shield’s breakup, Roman calls it a “load of crap” that Rollins aims to be the mastermind behind The Shield. Reigns threatens to get physical with Seth, courtesy of his fist. “Believe that.”

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter make their way to the ring, and “The Real American” will take on Bo Dallas, next!


Match #2: Single – “The Real American” Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) VS. “The Inspirational” Bo Dallas

Dallas gains control quickly, kicking and punching Swagger down. He hits a high-dropkick, then tries to make him tap with a grounding facelock. He swings Jack around with a neckbreaker for two, then knees him a bunch of times. Bo goes to the second turnbuckle, but Swagger rolls out of the way as Dallas leaped on him!

Jack is fired up, and knees and boots Dallas in the corner. Bo uses the ropes to jaw-break Swagger, but still only gets two after a roll-up. Swagger catches Bo’s leg in the corner, trying the Patriot Lock, but Dallas kicks away. He sunset flips Swagger, but Jack kicks out at two and clamps on the Patriot Lock Ankle Lock to force Bo to tap-out!

Winner via Submission: “The Real American” Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

Up next, The Bella Twins be in a tag-team match, but on opposite sides as Nikki teams with Divas Champion Paige, and A.J. Lee will partner with Brie.


Match #3: Tag-Team – Divas Champion Paige and Nikki Bella VS. Brie Bella and A.J. Lee (Non-Title)

The sisters look to start out, but Nikki escapes to Paige. Brie and the English woman lock up, but Paige dominates quickly. She uses the ropes to repeatedly knee Brie, and continues to control. She mocks Brie, using her hand to reach for A.J. and the tag. Brie counters into a pin combo, but Paige kicks out. Brie gets a bit of momentum and tries for another tag, but Nikki yanks Lee off the apron. Paige drives Brie head-first with the RamPaige DDT and gets the 1 – 2 – 3 for her and Nikki!

Winners via Pinfall: Divas Champion Paige and Nikki Bella

Post-match, Nikki plants her twin with a modified-reverse-Death Valley Driver, as Paige and A.J. have a skip-off.

Segment #3: Video Promo

Bray Wyatt appears on screen, talking about “Goliath.” He says that there is a “Goliath” running the earth today, with “sickness, death, and conflict.” We have left Bray to fix everything. “I’ll fix The Big Show. Follow the buzzards!”

The Big Show walks to the ring, all smiles, and will be matching up against Bray Wyatt, next!


Segment #4: Backstage Promo

Paul Heyman tries to convince The Great Khali to let him make a phone call, but Khali doesn’t buy it, crushing Heyman’s phone and locking him back in the room.

Match #4: Single – The Big Show VS. Bray Wyatt (with Wyatt Family members Luke Harper and Erik Rowan)

Show gets the best of Wyatt early, but he misses a corner splash, letting Bray take advantage. He drops Show’s leg on his shoulder, then runs at him with a clothesline. Bray drops him with a DDT and continues to work over Show slowly. He has a grounding rear chinlock on Show, but Big eventually reverses into a backdrop. He later plants Bray down, but his cover is broken up after Luke and Erik interfere, causing a dq.

Winner via Disqualification: The Big Show

Post-match, Big Show fights back and delivers a double-chokeslam to both Harper and Rowan, while Bray looks on from his rocking chair and laughs.


Match #5: Six-Man Tag-Team – Tag-Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) and United States Champion Sheamus VS. Cesaro, Gold, and Star Dust (Non-Title)

Sheamus and Goldust begin with an elbow/collar tie-up. Goldust kicks and slaps Sheamus, but the Irishman hits back with a shoulder block. He goes for the Brogue Kick, but Goldust drops himself and rolls to the outside. Sheamus twists Goldust’s arm and tags in an Uso. The Usos is quickly dominated, particularly by Cesaro who gives him Sheamus’ “Ten Beats Of The Bowron.” Goldust back in, but misses a splash on . is tagged in and all over Goldust. Stardust is in and nails The Uso twin with the Disaster Kick for a break.


Cesaro is in now, fighting Jimmy Uso. He goes for the Big Swing, but release and instead double-stomps Jimmy. Both Gold and Star Dust double-team Jimmy, with Goldust now wrestling him. Jimmy tries to come back, but Goldust nails him with a knee-to-the-gut. Stardust in and pounds away on Jimmy’s head. He tags in Cesaro again, who slugs away at Jimmy, then grounds him with a facelock. He intimidates Sheamus, but turns around into a backdrop. Cesaro manages to get another tag, as does Jimmy. Sheamus and Star Dust go at it. He hits the proper “Ten Beats Of The Bowron,” on Cesaro then clotheslines Star Dust over the ropes, and rockets himself fro the top turnbuckle to both Star Dust and Cesaro with a Battering Ram shoulder block! In the ring, he nails the Brogue Kick on Star Dust, but Cesaro is the legal man. e drives Sheamus down with The Neutralizer, but an Jey makes the save! Jimmy gets tagged in and superkicks Cesaro. He tags in his brother, then soars over the ropes, while Jey flies off the top with a Superfly Splash on Cesaro to take this one!

Winners via Pinfall: Tag-Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) and United States Champion Sheamus


Segment #5: Backstage Promo

Rene Young now interviews Randy Orton, showing him the vicious assault on Chris Jericho from last week. “The Viper” declares that he harmed “Y2J” because of his comment’s about Orton receiving everything on the proverbial “silver platter.” Randy promises Chris will receive “the beating of his life.”

The Great Khali is shown watching over John Cena’s locker room, which still has Paul Heyman in it.


Segment #6: Backstage & Arena Promo

John Cena walks up to The Great Khali and tells him in Punjabi to step aside. Cena collects Paul Heyman and pulls him all the way to the ring. He orders Paul to have WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar come out, or he will whale away on him. Heyman turns the tables and begs Cena to hit him, since Lesnar’s plane is still delayed. Heyman wants Cena to use his aggression tonight, and become a “Paul Heyman guy.” Cena declines, but Heyman eggs him on more, to the point where Cena pushes him out of the ring.

Just then, Brock Lesnar’s music blasts the speakers, and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion walks out. Cena is ready to go and paces in the ring. He circles the ring with a stern look on his face, then smiles and backs away up the ramp with Heyman. He approaches the ring again, but then walks off and smiles. Again, he gives it another thought and slowly walks to the squared circle. This time, he hops to the apron. Cena tries to get the jump, but Brock out-wrestles Cena, giving him a German Suplex. Cena fires back and the two engage in a big brawl, ensuing security to hurry down and break it up. They have to hold Cena while the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and Heyman escape.


Match #6: Single – Cameron VS. Naomi

Cameron dominates for a while, kicking Naomi hard and giving her a harsh suplex. She wears Naomi down with a surfboard stretch. Naomi eventually reverses into a unique submission, making Cameron give up.

Winner via Submission: Naomi


Match #7: Tag-Team – The Miz and Damien MIzdow VS. R-Ziggler and Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler (Non-Title)

Damien and Dolph begin, locking up and trading holds. Damien stomps away, but Dolph comes back with a high-dropkick. He drops an elbow, then tags in R-Ziggler. Both Dolph and R double-team Mizdow until Miz distracts them, allowing Damien to hit back from behind. He and Miz work over R, until R-Ziggler

Segment #7: Backstage Promo

Tom Phillips is with Seth Rollins, and asks him if what happened last week will be the same ending tonight for Roman Reigns. Seth mocks Reigns’ power, calling him a “neanderthal” and “rhinoceros.” Rollins calls insinuates that he is powerful, but not very “smart.” Seth takes credit for making Roman Reigns and The Shield, calling himself “the future of the WWE.”


Match #8: Single – Roman Reigns VS. “Mr. Money In The Bank” Seth Rollins

Rollins begins with quick punches and kicks, as well as ducking a couple clotheslines. He goes to the outside for a break, then jawbreaks Roman on the ropes. Reigns punches back, then rams his shoulder into Seth’s gut and chucks him across the ring. He picks him up in a Samoan Drop position, but Rollins wiggles out. Reigns yanks Rollins from the canvas to the floor, then runs him into the barricade and ring apron. He slams his head off the commentator’s table, then hurls him right over it!


Seth is now dominating, using a grounding rear chinlock, but Roman reverses a suplex. He goes for the floor-to-apron running front-dropkick, but Rollins moves and kicks Roman to the floor again. He follows up with a suicide dive, then rolls him back in the ring. Seth misses a splash in the corner, allowing Roman to gear up with a couple of clotheslines. He one-arm slams him down out of a backdrop, but only gets two!

This time, he nails the floor-to-apron running front-dropkick, then the Superman Punch! Reigns roars but Rollins leapfrogs a Spear! He kicks Roman hard and covers, but still gets just a near-fall! He counters in the corner, and runs Reigns into the opposite one with a powerbomb! Rollins gives Reigns repeated kicks, but misses one, which allows Reigns to catch him with the Spear and victory!

Winner via Pinfall: Roman Reigns

Up next, Mark Henry will “rally America.”


Segment #8: Arena Promo

Michael Cole is in the ring, which is decorated in American colours, and brings out “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry. He threatens to “shut Lana and Rusev up” at Night Of Champions. Henry puts over the fans and America, and vows “I can’t let you down.” He talks about Lana and Rusev, then they both come out. Lana has a microphone too and berates Henry and America, particularly President Obama’s dismal approval rating and Henry’s move to pull out of the 1996 Olympics because of injury.

Henry responds by citing part of the Pledge Of Allegiance, but Rusev cuts him off and they fight. Rusev gets the better, but not The Accolade, as “The World’s Strongest Man” powers out of it! He grabs him by the throat and double-chokeslams him, then throws him over the ropes. Henry takes an American flag and waves it to close the show.

End Of Raw.

Reporter’s Rumblings – By Moe Tapp

This was a great Raw, especially to be the last build for the Pay-Per-View! It was action-packed, both physically and story-wise, making a great push to Night Of Champions! Onto the analysis:

Excellence: Opening promo and middle promo (almost 2-hour mark); once again, both Heyman and Cena were on point and gold on the microphone. Loved the setup and aggressive Cena again.

Great matches between Kane/Jericho, Swagger/Dallas, the Divas Tag-Team, the six-man, and Truth/Ziggler/Miz/Sandmiz.

Loved the promos by Seth Rollins and Randy Orton; both were intense and put over their respective bouts well. Still liking the feud between A.J. and Paige, and hope it continues past N.O.C While I also like the rivalry between Mark Henry and Rusev, I see that as being a one-off and hope it ends at the Pay-Per-View, with my prediction below.

Bogus: Naomi/Cameron – no build and came out of no where. Meant nothing. Not sure why they booked Reigns VS. Rollins tonight when they’re already squaring off on the Pay-Per-View. There was also no build (other than the advertising by the commentators) and after all that has gone down between them, it really deserved to be better and on PPV only.

Night Of Champions Predictions: Lesnar to retain, Miz gains revenge and the I.C. Title, Sheamus keeps his United States Championship, Gold & Star Dust take the Tag-Team Titles, Orton defeats Jericho (possibly by nefarious means)

Until two weeks from now, as I will be away next week for a work-related event, Be Excellent Wrestling Online-Readers and Wrestling Fans!

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