
Total Bellas S3 E2 episode recap: What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting

In this episode, Nikki Bella, and her then fiancé John Cena were continuing to prepare for the wedding that almost was. Since the couple announced their breakup earlier this month, WWE fans everywhere have been curious about the events which led WWE’s power couple to break off their engagement. I believe that this episode might give us some important clues as to why the two couldn’t seem to make it work.

The episode began with Nikki and her sister, Brie, driving in a car together when Nikki received a call from John’s long time best friend and personal trainer, Rob. In characteristic Bella twin fashion, Nicole rambled on about the weekend’s upcoming plans, namely the couple’s upcoming engagement party. Nicole then suggested that maybe Rob would like to come in town for the event, as he would be John’s best man. On the surface, this seems like a perfectly innocent statement. There was only one problem. Nicole hadn’t actually spoken to John about whom he would like to be his best man before speaking to Rob.

Call me crazy, but I think that for a wedding the man should select his own attendants, and have the pleasure of telling his friends himself about the honor that they are to receive. Clearly, Nikki’s sister, Brie, thought so as well, because as soon as Nicole got off the phone she called her sister out on her error in judgment. Luckily, when Nicole spoke to John about the situation later, he said that he had been planning to ask Rob to be best man anyway, but still. Perhaps this lack of communication had something to do with the couple’s breakup?

During the same conversation, John took Nicole to task for another communication failure. Nicole had always dreamed of being married in Napa Valley, California. However, she had acquiesced to John’s wish of being married in his hometown of West Newberry, Massachusetts. While I understand that Nicole was trying to make sure that her fiancé was as happy as possible with her nuptial arrangements, I still feel as though John was correct in saying that she should have been honest with him about her wishes regarding their wedding.

Luckily, John didn’t seem to care where the couple got married, as long as they did. He was willing to change the wedding location to Napa for Nicole’s sake. However, something still didn’t feel right to Nicole. I think that her discussion with the newly appointed best man, Rob, about his newborn, and how much parenting had changed him upset Nicole whose hopes for a child had been dashed John’s wish to remain childless.

Nicole’s mood didn’t even improve when she and her female relatives went on the excursion that is usually the highlight of any bride’s experience, wedding dress shopping. As the women around her exclaimed at the sight of her in the gorgeous white gown, Nicole’s bad mood became more and more evident. I think that with the hustle and bustle of wedding activities, it was slowly becoming clear to Nicole that as her wedding day approached her dreams of being a mom were slipping away from her. While I feel badly for her I think this is something she should have thought about before accepting John’s marriage proposal. However, perhaps the setting of WrestleMania on live television combined with the excitement of finally getting a proposal from the man she loved caused Nicole to feel that she could overlook her maternal instincts.

However, as wedding preparations continued, it became clear to Nicole’s sister, Brie, as well as to John that something was wrong with Nicole. John even asked Nicole repeatedly what was wrong with her. To further complicate matters, Brie discovered that Lauren, the wife of her brother, JJ, was expecting baby number two. Even though Lauren swore Brie to secrecy, after one too many glasses of champagne at John and Nicole’s engagement party, Brie couldn’t help but announce the news to all the family and friends gathered at John and Nicole’s engagement party.

I personally thought that this was the rudest thing that Brie could possibly have done. It’s not right in my opinion to take a day that is meant to be about one person and make it all about another. Brie should have done as Lauren had originally suggested and waited until after the engagement party to allow Lauren and JJ to make their big announcement. Further I think that Lauren shouldn’t have acquiesced to Brie’s suggestion that they announce her pregnancy at the engagement party. This miscalculation on the part of both women caused Nicole to leave her own party in tears!

The tension between John and Nicole still hadn’t eased several days later when the couple went to scope out there wedding venue. Before touring the rest of the gorgeous vineyard, Nicole suggested that she and John go someplace private to talk. Viewers were left on a cliffhanger so will just have to see what happens next week on Total Bellas.

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