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Proposed WCW relaunch in 2001 and WWE PC Combine shows on WWE Network next week

WWE Network

Two very interesting shows are set to air on the WWE Network next week during Memorial Day weekend on Sunday, May 26.

The first is called WWE PC Combine and it’s listed to run for eight hours starting at Noon ET. The PC Combine was designed to showcase the skills of athletes currently training at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. It focuses on speed, power, and strength…with a WWE twist to boot. It’s basically a competition among the athletes on upper body strength, vertical jumps, powerlifting, and much more. The eight-hour runtime is also an interesting factor in its own right!

The second show, airing immediately after the PC Combine at 8PM ET, is titled WWE Untold and will focus on the almost-relaunch of WCW in 2001. Eric Bischoff and his investors were on the verge of buying WCW from AOL TimeWarner before AOL pulled the plug on WCW TV on TNT. The plan was already there for the Big Bang pay-per-view that was going to reboot WCW. Eric Bischoff, Booker T, and others who were in WCW at the time will tell the true story of everything that was planned.

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