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Tag:Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio unable to wrestle in the United States for a year

Alberto Del Rio’s firing from WWE has ended up being a very costly mistake as the former WWE champion confirmed that he cannot wrestle...

Alberto Del Rio scheduled to appeat at AAA’s Triplemania XXII this Sunday

Alberto Del Rio may be fired from WWE but that doesn’t mean he will be kept out of a wrestling ring for too long. Del...

More on the backstage incident that led to Del Rio getting fired

PWInsider.com is reporting that Alberto Del Rio got in trouble after a remark from another WWE employee was deemed racist and he took matters...

WWE blasts Alberto Del Rio on Twitter after firing him

WWE rarely touches the subject of talent releases on social media past the simple message that is usually posted on WWE.COM however they had...

Alberto Del Rio fired from WWE

Alberto Del Rio got fired from WWE yesterday for his unprofessional conduct after an incident with a WWE employee according to WWE.COM. "WWE announced the...

WWE Superstars in PSAs to promote being better fathers

The Advertising Council is joining forces with WWE on a public service campaign promoting the importance of men being better fathers. The campaign’s introduction is...

Alberto Del Rio suffers concussion during match vs Sin Cara

Alberto Del Rio suffered a concussion during his match against Sin Cara yesterday on RAW after was on the receiving end of a sunset...

Alberto Del Rio Q&A with the US Airways Center website

Our friend Jeramie McPeek from the Phoenix Suns had the opportunity to interview World Heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio this past Monday prior to...

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