
James Ellsworth accused of sending nude photos to 16-year-old girl

Former WWE Superstar James Ellsworth might soon find himself in hot water after he was accused of sending nude photos to an underage girl.

The 16-year-old, named Kenzie and using the Twitter username of KliqKid, said that she met Ellsworth at an indie show on November 9 and gave him her Twitter handle so he can follow her. After DMing him later, Ellsworth allegedly asked for her Snapchat. In a video message, Kenzie said that she has screenshots of his nudes, screenshots of his mirror selfies, screenshots of him asking her for her Snapchat, as well as videos of nudes he sent her.

In a tweet, Ellsworth denied all the allegations against him and directed all queries to his attorney. His attorney from Bates & Garcia later released a statement saying, “My client, James Morris, known publicly and professionally as James Ellsworth has become aware of a number of baseless allegations. Mr. Morris has the utmost respect for women and categorically denies these inflammatory and despicable accusations.”

The alleged victim also posted a screenshot of a DM she received on Twitter from a female wrestler whose name has been removed saying, “Hey love! I saw your tweets and just wanted to check in with you. Us women wrestlers have had very uncomfortable experiences with Ellsworth so hearing that he sent you nudes especially if you didn’t ask for them is unsettling.”

Kenzie then proceeded to post some of the photos that Ellsworth sent her and showing proof that what’s she saying is true.


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Colin Vassallo
Colin Vassallohttps://www.wrestling-online.com
Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996. He is born and raised in Malta, follows professional wrestling and MMA, loves to travel, and is a big Apple fan!

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