
Smackdown! Live TV report for 05/16/2017

Introduction: Video Promo and Welcoming

The regular Smackdown! Live opener starts, the pyro blows in the arena, and we are greeted in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Arena Promo

United States Champion Kevin Owens is in the ring; behind him is a TV screen that reads “Kevin Owens’ Highlight Reel.” He proclaims that he has now claimed the Highlight Reel because Chris Jericho “will never, ever, be back.” Owens shows a clip of him injuring Jericho two weeks ago.

Kevin moves on and welcomes his guest – in French – but is interrupted by A.J. Styles, who he will wrestle this Sunday at Backlash. “The Phenomenal One” says he didn’t do so well in French class but is looking forward to taking back the U.S. Title to America.

Jinder Mahal – with The Singh Brothers – interjects and is angry because he was supposed to be the person interviewed by Owens. He and A.J. verbally joust, and then Styles goes after Owens, who slides to the floor. A.J. then orders Jinder to wrestle right now!


Match #1: Single – A.J. Styles VS. Jinder Mahal (with The Singh Brothers [Harv and Girv])

(Note: U.S. Champion Kevin Owens is on commentary.)

They lockup and go into the corner, but are broken up by the referee. Jinder pushes A.J. into the ropes but A.J. hits a smacking-dropkick as Mahal ran off of the ropes. Jinder eye-rakes Styles and takes control. He runs at A.J. into the ropes with a knee and then stomps away. He tries to suplex A.J. from the apron into the ring, but A.J. blocks it and slingshots over!

Styles kicks and goes for his Styles Clash, but Mahal stops it. A.J. comes back with a few quick-kicks, but Harv and Girv distract Styles. Jinder tosses A.J. onto the top rope and then hits him with a running-knee again for a near-fall!


Mahal is governing now, wearing him down with hits and a grounding rear-chinlock. Styles gets out of it with a jawbreaker, but Jinder works on him again. He props A.J. on the top turnbuckle, but Styles slips out and trips Jinder up. A.J. runs but Mahal counters, however, Styles also counters. He runs at Jinder with a low-dropkick to his knee and then a mini-Phenomenal Forearm. Mahal hits back with a big kick and just about gets this! Styles hits back with a G.T.S. but the Singhs hop the apron and Kevin hits A.J. in the knee with the belt as Styles lined up for his Phenomenal Forearm. Jinder takes advantage with his finisher and covers for the victory!

Winner via Pinfall: Jinder Mahal (with The Singh Brothers [Harv and Girv])

Later tonight, WWE Champion Randy Orton will meet Baron Corbin, and there will be a contract signing for the Six-Woman Tag-Team at Backlash.


Video Promo

Lana is coming soon.

Video Promo

Another episode of “The Fashion Files” is presented with Breezango, with them ripping on various superstars and their opponents for Sunday’s Backlash Pay-Per-View/Network show, Tag-Team Champions The Usos.

Backstage Promo

Rene Young asks WWE Champion Randy Orton about his opponent on Sunday, Jinder Mahal. Orton says that people aren’t a fan of Mahal “because he’s an ‘ass.’”


Match #2: Tag-Team – Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) VS. The Colons (Primo and Epico)

Tyler and Primo are in the midst with The Colons dominating for a while. Breeze eventually gets the hot-tag and Fandango cleans house on The Colons. He ducks a clothesline from Epico and plants him with the Falcon-Arrow front-suplex for the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winners via Pinfall: Breezango

Post-match, Tag-Team Champions The Usos strut out and threaten Tyler and Fandango what will happen this Sunday at Backlash when they square-off for the Tag Team championship.


Arena Promo

Commissioner Shane McMahon is out to conduct the contract signing between The Welcoming Committee – Natalya, Carmella, and Tamina (with James Ellsworth) and Charlotte, Becky Lynch, and Women’s Champion Naomi.

Both sides have words and then physically engage. McMahon holds Naomi back and then books Naomi to wrestle Carmella!


Match #3: Single – Carmella (with The Welcoming Committee [Natalya, Tamina, and James Ellsworth]) VS. Women’s Champion Naomi (with Becky Lynch and Charlotte)

Carmella breaks in the ropes a couple of times but Naomi soon gains control after a Lou Thesz Press. She bulldogs Carmella into the corner turnbuckle and then runs at her with a front-dropkick. She goes for the Rear-View but James pulls Carmella out of the ring. the referee saw this and ejects him.


Naomi and Carmella continue; during this Tamina and Natalya are also thrown from ringside but engage in a brawl with Becky and Charlotte. Naomi is distracted and rolled-up by Carmella to complete this!

Winner via Pinfall: Carmella (with The Welcoming Committee [Natalya, Tamina, and James Ellsworth])


Video Promo

The New Day are coming soon.

Locker Room Promo

Dolph Ziggler presents highlights of Shinsuke Nakamura’s Smackdown! career, which the screen shows “footage not found.” He then shows his highlights, of which there are plenty. Back to the locker room, where Dolph vows “to spit in the face of all those hypocrites who turned their back on me” when he defeats Nakamura at Backlash.

Backstage Promo

Dasha is with Sami Zayn, who says he got his match with Baron Corbin at Backlash this Sunday. He says that Baron should be afraid because Sam is a man who has infinite fight in him, which he claims is a “threat to his ego.”

Baron suddenly attacks Sami from behind!

WWE Champion Randy Orton makes his entrance for the main-event, next!


Match #4: Single – WWE Champion Randy Orton VS. Baron Corbin (Non-Title)

They go back-and-forth to start out until Randy tries an R.K.O. but is shoved away. Orton gets control for a bit until he whips Baron and “The Lone Wolf” slides out and into the ring and then clotheslines Randy.


Baron mudhole-stomps Orton numerous times in the corner and governs for a while. The WWE Champion soon makes a comeback with his signature moves, including dropping Corbin with the Draping DDT! He gears up for the R.K.O, but is pushed away again. Baron spins him around with his Deep-Six backdrop for a near-fall! Corbin slides in and out of the ring again, but this time, right into an R.K.O.! Randy gets the victory!

Winner via Pinfall: WWE Champion Randy Orton

Post-match, Jinder Mahal walks to the stage. He warns Orton to cherish the WWE Championship until Sunday, and then The Singh Brothers attack! Jinder helps out, driving Randy to the canvas with his Cobra Clutch Full-Nelson Slam! He holds the WWE Championship over Orton to close the show.

End of Smackdown! Live.

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