
TNA IMPACT spoilers for the February 14 and 21 shows from London

Our good friend Ian Hamilton attended the two IMPACT tapings from the Wembley Arena in London, England, yesterday, and sent in the following reports. These shows will air on February 14 and February 21 respectively.

Crowd est 6,000.

Jeremy Borash came out 15 mins early to warm up the crowd.

A steel cage is already up, so we’ll be starting with a cage match. The match is for Xplosion, not Impact.

Xscape the cage match : Zema Ion vs Kenny King. Basic match, King won after crotching Ion on the top rope before climbing out. Decent, but not good that this was our shows cage match!

Impact for February 14

Hogan announces number one contenders tournament for Lockdown. Announces Storm v RVD, Daniels v Magnus, Angle v Joe and Roode vs Aries. Hogan will pick his contender from those matches. Sting named team captain for TNA vs Aces and Eights a Lockdown.

Daniels vs Magnus – not as big a pop as you’d expect at first, but that quickly changed. Kaz was out as manager and got ejected. Magnus and his new music won with the michinoku driver and a top rope elbow for the pin.

Roode vs Aries – they tried to the finger poke of doom on each other but neither budged. It then turned into something of a comedy match. They both did the Eddie Guerrero chair spot, before Chavo and Hernandez came out for a distraction to cause a double count out.

Earl Hebner out for the next match. Some boos but no fans attacking him.

Joe vs Angle – good tv match, although not on the level of their prior matches, but ended in double dq when Brisco and Bischoff ran in. Joe and Angle ran them off. Do Aces and Eights really need jobber members?

Blossom Twins & Party Marty (Scurll) vs Gail Kim, Tara and Jessie. Match was way longer than it needed to be, with a mild response to the British Boot Camp trio at best. Gail Kim pinned one of the Blossoms seconds after Marty scarily overshot a dive to Jesse on the floor, getting nothing but the guard rail. Post match Gail talked down to Tara and set up a title match for impact next week… Out came Brooke who was booed, who arranged Gail vs Tara vs Tessmacher vs Velvet Sky for the title instead.

Marty got up after the Brooke promo and got a good reaction.

Rob Van Dam vs James Storm – the Cowboy picked up the win with a super kick after Van Dam missed a Van Terminator.

Hulk comes out to name number one contender. Aces and Eights come out to corner Hogan, but Bully Ray (no music) then Sting come out for the save to end the show.

Impact spoilers for February 21 show…

Robbie E vs Spud. Spud had a phantom face turn and took a lot of punishment. Spud did get the win when Robbie T stopped E from grabbing the list, allowing Spud to roll E up for the pin. E berated T after the match, slapping him, which led to T taking his shirt off as E ran away in fear. Face turn?

Daniels, Kaz, Roode and Aries vs Hernandez, Chavo, Joseph Park (huge pop) and James Storm. Fun match, story was the heels couldn’t get along, Roode and Aries walked out, leaving Kaz to eat everyone’s finishers, including a second rope splash from Park for a baby face win.

X division title – RVD vs Kenny King. King attacked Van Dam at the bell. Typical RVD match, with him retaining with the five star frog splash.

Hogan promo… Names the number one contender for Lockdown. Bully Ray?! Ray accepts and sets up main event – Aces and Eights vs Ray, Sting and Hulk Hogan!

Garett Bischoff vs Samoa Joe. Think I can see someone getting killed here… Glorified squash until Wes Brisco ran out for dq. Jobbers and Eights briefly beat up Joe but Angle ran out for the save. For Lockdown they announced Brisco vs Angle in a cage.

Gail Kim vs Tara vs Tessmacher vs Velvet Sky for the Knockouts title. Tara came out to Brooke’s music in another in a list of production botches. Jesse was thrown out at the start of the match. This was announced on the prior show as an elimination match but there was a load of broken up pins in front of a dead crowd. After 3 hours, people were beyond burned out by this point.

Gail pinned Tara after Velvet hit her sit out pedigree so we’ll get a new champion. It was an elimination so the match continued. Very little reaction – why break up pins if it’s elimination rules?? Tessmacher eliminated after her attempt to roll up Velvet from another sit out pedigree failed, leaving us with Gail vs Velvet – Velvet Sky wins the title with another sit out pedigree.

Devon, ?? (it wasn’t Knox, he had no beard) and DOC vs Bully Ray, Sting and Hulk Hogan. Hogan’s music played, no Hulk. Twice. Match started without Hulk. Crowd seemed deflated by the swerve as the heels enjoyed their advantage. After Bully took a lot of punishment, Sting took the hot tag and cleaned house. Bully wastaviut to do the Wazaap head but on mystery Aces and Eights man but Knox and other Aces and Eights guys came out with a kidnapped Brooke and injured Hulk. Bully ran off to save her as Aces and Eights stole pin on Sting. Post match beat down on Sting as Bully and Brooke and Hulk watched on from the ramp. The locker room emptied out as war erupted to end the show with TNA on top.

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Colin Vassallo
Colin Vassallohttps://www.wrestling-online.com
Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996. He is born and raised in Malta, follows professional wrestling and MMA, loves to travel, and is a big Apple fan!

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