Tag:Greatest Royal Rumble

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler now to be part of the Greatest Royal Rumble Kickoff panel

It looks like the previous plans for Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jim Ross to provide commentary for The Greatest Royal has been changed...

Latest look inside the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium and the Greatest Royal Rumble stage

The latest footage from inside the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Jeddah shows the developments of the Greatest Royal Rumble stage which is...

Eight Saudi athletes to continue WWE training this week for a spot in the Greatest Royal Rumble

WWE has selected eight athletes from last week's four-day tryout to continue training this week under WWE's coaching team and at least one of...

Greatest Royal Rumble will run for 5 hours!

Just because a seven-hour WrestleMania wasn't enough two weeks ago...WWE will have a five-hour Greatest Royal Rumble next Friday! The WWE Network schedule was updated...

Video leaked from inside the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium and the construction of the GRR stage

A video from inside the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Jeddah has surfaced, showing the current stage of the construction of the set...

First look at the Greatest Royal Rumble stage being constructed inside stadium

Construction workers inside the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium have already started assembling the massive stage for the Greatest Royal Rumble event which will...

Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali, and Mark Henry advertised for the Greatest Royal Rumble

A graphic promoting the Greatest Royal Rumble on the WWE Network website features the likes of Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali, WWE Hall of...

All Greatest Royal Rumble tickets marked as unavailable

In what could be an encouraging sign when it comes to ticket sales for the Greatest Royal Rumble event in Jeddah, the WWE.SA website...

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