
WWE Super Show-Down PPV Pick’em report

Good Morning and G’Day Mates! It’s @TheMagnumDA and we are DOWN UNDER for today’s PPV Pick’em, WWE Super Show-Down! I guess this really isn’t a PPV, but it’s definitely part of the 2018 WWE PPV Pick’em Season for The Crew.

Let’s recap the scores so far this year:

Colin: 62 Points
Magnum: 59 Points
Heel Turn Tom: 59 Points
Tricky Don: 58 Points

Once again, Tom and Don will be picking together. This must be part of some master plan. Oh, forgot to mention! All Championship matches are worth DOUBLE POINTS. Let’s get predicting!

Asuka and Naomi vs. The IIconics (Billie Kay and Peyton Royce)

Colin: The IIconics, just like Buddy Murphy, are from Down Under so I’m sure they’ll be the favorites here. They need a win, don’t they? I see Naomi doing the job and an IIconics win.

Magnum: Wow. Look at how far has Asuka fallen. Since the IIconics are in their homeland, and because Vince doesn’t seem to give much of a shit about Asuka, I’m going to pick The IIconics to win. It wouldn’t be a 2018 WWE PPV without Asuka doing the job, amirite?

Tom & Don:
The hometown team and the only team with an actual tag team name has to win. The IIconics win to a loud cheer.

WWE Women’s Championship Match (Smackdown Live) *Double Points*
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

Colin: It’s amazing how Becky managed to “Stone Cold Steve Austin” herself. Fans love her more than ever. If there’s a title change, I would imagine it would be kept for Evolution so I say Becky retains.

Magnum: I’m surprised that they held off for one month before making Becky champion. I’m even more surprised by this incredible groundswell that seems to be following Becky. Fans are really, sincerely into her. It’s organic. It might be crazy to look this far ahead, but if they’re going with the Horsewomen feud, then I would love to see Becky represent the WWE against Rousey and her MMA crew at WrestleMania. But that’s way, way down the road. For tonight, give me Becky Lynch to retain.

Tom & Don: A big show like this needs a bigger title change than just the Cruiserweight. But that is not tonight. Becky is hot right now and even the WWE won’t mess that up. Becky wins but this feud is not over yet.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match (Smackdown Live) *Double Points*
The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods) (c) vs. The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus)

How many times have we seen this? I’m getting super bored with the tag team division to be quite honest. The New Day wins. Yawn.

Magnum: I actually think this could be fun! Right this moment, it’s pretty tough to pick tag title matches when it comes to Smackdown Live. You know that New Day will not have another Demolition reign, so the question becomes…who (WHO, WHO, WHO) will take the titles from them? It’s definitely happening soon, but it’s hard to say when. I’ll play it safe and say that the New Day will retain for now. Their days are numbered, though.

Tom & Don: This will be a great tag match and fun with some well placed comedy. We’ve seen these teams too much and there is nothing new to add to a story and because I don’t see a title change yet. The New Day wins.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match *Double Points*
Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Buddy Murphy

Colin: A Buddy Murphy win would be epic since he’s going to be the home town hero. We all know what happens when WWE goes to home towns of certain Superstars…yeah, they humiliate them. I don’t see it changing here either. Still champion, Cedric Alexander.

Magnum: Ye of little faith! 😀 If you missed their title match earlier this year, you missed one of the finest bouts of the entire year. Easily ****3/4 in my book. If they can top their previous performance, I will be shocked. This will be the highlight of the night, as Buddy Murphy finally becomes the Cruiserweight Champion in his home country of Australia.

Tom & Don:
Buddy Murphy is engaged to Alexa Bliss. He is already a winner, and after this match, Buddy will be the new champion.

WWE Championship Match *Double Points*
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe WWE Championship

Colin: I really thought Joe would win during their last match. I’m going to keep this assumption because I do think it’s time to switch things up and it looks like with the stipulation, there must be a title change for the program to continue. #AndNew

Magnum: I’m intrigued about this one. Of all the championships, this is the toughest call to make. AJ won the title on international soil (England), so it only makes sense that he loses it at another Commonwealth country. However, since I see The Miz winning the #1 Contender’s Match, I’m going to roll with AJ Styles to retain the WWE Championship. I feel like a match between those two is inevitable.

Tom & Don: The series of these two are 1-1. I still don’t think this is over yet. AJ has passed CM Punk’s number of total WWE Championship reigns, but he’s about 100 days short of Punk’s longest reign. Also, I think AJ versus DB will happen, so Styles to win in the match of the night.

The Bella Twins (Brie and Nikki Bella) and Ronda Rousey vs. The Riott Squad (Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan)

Colin: I hope Liv Morgan will be able to wrestle after her concussion. If not, this match will have to be changed or someone else have to temporarily join The Riott Squad. Ronda’s in it, so Bellas and Ronda get the victory.

Magnum: The big thing with these international shows…is that a lot of the babyfaces go over. I don’t think that will change here. The Bellas and Rousey will destroy the Riott Squad.

Tom & Don: Bellas need to be ready for the Evolution PPV and Rousey will not lose. Rousey makes Logan tap out. Bellas and Rousey win.

The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) vs. Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre

Colin: I was surprised they turned Strowman heel. He was on a good run and the fans were behind him. I don’t see The Shield losing their first official match on PPV together, so Shield gets the Whiskey Indigo November. Get it? Haha.

Magnum: Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo YEAH, buddy! Sorry, but I don’t buy the alliance of Strowman, Ziggler, and McIntyre. I feel like these guys have no direction and no purpose (other than to be anti-Shield). Remember when Vince used to have a reason that guys got together and fought? Anyways, this is a showcase for The Shield, as they will run roughshod through the Dogs of War. Shield wins.

Tom & Don:
Feels like this feud has been going on a long time. WWE wants to make the fans happy with this huge show that is paying them a lot of money…or what WWE thinks will make the fans happy. Shield bomb to Ziggler and the three-count. Roman must pose.

#1 Contender’s Match – WWE Championship
Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz

Colin: The Miz has been getting the victories over DB in the last couple of months so it’s time for Bryan to win one. Plus, AJ vs Bryan or Joe vs Bryan sounds more interesting than with The Miz in the picture. Granted, The Miz has been phenomenal lately and deserves another title run but they need to get Bryan to his 2014 level. Bryan wins.

Magnum: I’m not sure when the #1 Contender is going to get his title match, but I have a feeling that this thing between Mizanin and Danielson is far from over. If the trajectory is for Miz to take the title from AJ Styles, then I will take Miz to win this match. I can see where this is going…The Miz becomes WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan will get his Royal Rumble win, and we finally have our WWE Championship match at WrestleMania XXXV.

Tom & Don:
I said last time Bryan would win in the mix tag match. I am still saying WWE wants the fantasy match of AJ and DB. Daniel Bryan gets the win and the Yes movement is #1 Contender.

Bobby Lashley and John Cena vs. Elias and Kevin Owens

Colin: Such a random match. Is Cena that rusty that he can’t do a one-on-one match? Cena vs Elias would have been just good, even Cena vs Owens. I’m thinking Cena’s time is “up” in WWE and he will be just another Rock. How ironic, isn’t it? Anyway, Lashley and Cena get this victory.

Magnum: I can’t believe I am saying this, but I miss Cena and I’m happy to see him back at this show! The combination of Lashley and Rush could certainly work, especially considering Lio’s mic skills. I feel like KO and Elias are in purgatory right now, so give me Lashley and Cena to dominate. What if Lashley turned on Cena (after this match)? Wouldn’t that be wild?

Tom & Don: Man, WWE is trying to get Lashley over. Lio Rush helps a little, but something is still needed. Let’s get some Cena dust on him. Lashley will get the pin. Cena and Lashley win.

Triple H vs. The Undertaker – ONE LAST TIME

Colin: At WrestleMania it was the end of an era. Now it’s the final time. What’s next? Crutches on a pole match? If this is leading to a tag match between HBK/HHH vs Taker/Kane, I would imagine that Triple H goes over here. Maybe it will be a screwjob finish as I can’t see Taker losing clean especially if there’s the tag match after that. Plus Triple H hasn’t won in a while, did he? So yeah, the man of three H’s gets the win.

If this is truly a “Last Time Ever” match, then I see this becoming a final hurrah for the Brothers of Destruction. Undertaker revealed that Kane would be in his corner, and I definitely don’t see an angle happening where Kane turns on his brother. This is going to be one wild and crazy last ride. I have a feeling that they’re going to pull out all the stops. In the end, the Deadman will be the last one standing. The Undertaker wins.

Tom & Don: I should be focused on the two competitors in the match, but really the bigger news is HBK getting involved (and maybe even coming back to wrestle!) I’m not sure how much the Taker has left. Hopefully more than last couple of matches. Impressive after having hip surgery. But HBK will want to finish the Undertaker. Errant Sweet Chin Music to HHH and Undertaker to win. Kane may do something, who knows.

Alright, everybody! That’s going to do it for The Crew! Enjoy the show, and we’ll see you next time for EVOLUTION! @TheMagnumDA, signing out.

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Magnum DA
Magnum DAhttp://www.twitter.com/themagnumda
@TheMagnumDA writes the Raw & Smackdown Live TV reports, and he is also the PPV Pick'em reporter for Wrestling-Online. He currently resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He enjoys traveling, reading, and playing PSN (ROCKofJERICHO).

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