
WWE Summerslam 2019 PPV Pick’em report

Hey everybody! It’s @TheMagnumDA with you for tonight’s Summerslam 2019 Pick’em Report! Tonight, Colin will be defending the WOPC Championship in a rematch from Extreme Rules. Tonight, it’s another Triple Threat for the title, with myself and Heel Turn Tom gunning for Colin’s gold!


WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Drew Gulak (c) vs. Oney Lorcan

Colin: I feel like I say this every Pick’em contest…I don’t watch 205 Live and don’t really follow the CW division. I should, but I don’t. Drew retains.

Magnum: Oney Lorcan sounds like something the Tin Man says at the beginning of The Wizard of Oz. I was really digging the “Biff Busick” gimmick that he had back in Combat Zone Wrestling. Anyways, this sounds like a great opportunity for Oney to show his wares to a worldwide audience, but I don’t think he’s walking away with the belt. Give me Gulak to retain.

Tom: I don’t have too much on this match, but I don’t see Drew dropping the title tonight. Gulak leaves the champ.

WWE Raw Women’s Championship
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Natalya

Colin: If they wanted to pull a title switch, this would be the place to do it. But I like Becky as the champ and I can totally see Natalya just passing out similar to what Austin did with Bret at WrestleMania. Minus all that blood and guts, obviously. Becky wins.

Magnum: Nattie Neidhart made a personal promise to me last month at the Waterloo HOF that she was going to kick Becky’s ass. There’s no doubt in my mind about that…but there’s a couple of doubts creeping in about whether or not Natalya will win the strap. I’m actually surprised that the odds aren’t too strong in The Man’s favor, but Becky’s the cover girl for the WWE 2K20 video game – there’s no way she’s going to lose the title. As a shocker, I think Natalya will win – but that doesn’t mean the title will change hands.

Tom: I so want to pick Nattie. I want to give her the Waterloo George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame push, but I just can’t. Becky One Belt wins a great match.

WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship
Bayley (c) vs. Ember Moon

Colin: This should be a good match although their feud hasn’t really clicked for me. Both were great NXT champions but in my opinion both of them haven’t reached their NXT heights on the main roster. Bayley to retain, and hopefully Sasha is back to spoil the party.

Magnum: I’ve actually liked their “can you top this” storyline…most people aren’t paying attention to it, but I think Ember’s made a great accounting for herself so far. I’ve actually enjoyed this build more than the Charlotte/Trish build. If any singles title were to change hands, I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened here. In fact, let’s roll with it. Ember Moon takes the crown.

Tom: I could see all the champs holding on their titles today, but history says some change. I’m hoping Sasha Banks shows up and then trips or distracts Bayley. Then we will see an eclipse, 1-2-3, and Ember Moon becomes the new WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion.

Finn Bálor vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt

Colin: Balor is leaving for a couple of months after this one and this is Wyatt’s first match since his return so I can’t see Wyatt not winning this one. Probably the safest bet out of all the matches – a win for The Fiend.

Magnum: Ah, the debut of BRAY THE CLOWN! Ever get the feeling that this guy is all smoke and mirrors? He’s trying so hard to be Pennywise mixed in with a little bit of Tim & Eric, but it never feels genuine to me. Even as the original incarnation, I never understood what he was supposed to be about. Still, you think he’s going to lose his re-debut? Hell no. The Fiend wins. The only question now…is whether or not Vince has the balls to put The Demon vs. The Fiend on PPV.

Tom: There is no way the Fiend doesn’t win. I see a rematch later of Demon vs The Fiend or maybe The Fiend leading or managing the Demon. But to start this…? Mandible claw on Bálor for the tap out and Wyatt wins.

WWE United States Championship
AJ Styles (c) (w/The OC) vs. Ricochet

Colin: It would be stupid to kill off the momentum that The O.C. has at the moment. It’s cool having all three with titles. I don’t expect AJ to lose this one so fast after winning it.

Magnum: Again, it’s all about upwards trajectory…and The OC will be moving on to bigger and better things from here. Ricochet will eventually move up the ladder, as well…but not tonight. AJ retains.

Tom: The rocket strapped to Ricochet must have run out of gas. As I look through the card, this should be match of the night. But with a little help from his friends, AJ retains his WWE United States Championship.

Goldberg vs. Dolph Ziggler

Colin: Wouldn’t it be awesome if Dolph wins this? After that horrible match against The Undertaker, Goldberg needs a good showing here and Dolph can make that happen. Goldberg is coming off two losses – Lesnar and Taker – so I think he’ll probably win this one LOL!

Magnum: Hey, somebody that Bill can lift up! Goldberg wins.

Tom: Poor Dolph. I hope his contract expires and he can show what he can do in AEW. The real bet of this match should be how long it will be. I am calling a spear, jackhammer, pin, and Goldberg wins in under 3 minutes.

The Women’s Dream Match
Trish Stratus vs. Charlotte Flair

Colin: This is an interesting one because Trish is great and this is her home town. But what will Trish gain from winning this match? Absolutely nothing. She’s not coming back full time, so it makes zero sense for her to win this one. I fully expect Charlotte to win and Trish to tap out.

Magnum: Wow, has this fallen flat for me. I feel really bad for the participants, because this should be an ass-kicking affair with a slow, strong build. Instead, they almost literally threw this at the wall to see if it would stick. Not to worry, though…Toronto fans will be more forgiving. Well, at least until Charlotte wins. 🙂

Tom: It is awesome to see Trish back and hopefully for more than one match. As far as I know it’s one match so Charlotte will get the win and slow build to face Becky at WrestleMania.

If Owens Loses, He Quits WWE
Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon

Colin: If there was not this stipulation, I would have probably said that Shane was winning. He’s on a roll lately, isn’t he? I hope KO delivers three, four, five Stunners, pins him and Shane gets a small break.

Magnum: I actually liked the KO Show on Tuesday – I liked that KO called out Shane for being a chicken shit who wouldn’t put his career on the line. As for this match…? This may not be the end of Shane, but this is definitely not the end of KO. Owens wins.

Tom: Austin vs McMahon 2.0 should be an okay match. But the copy is never as good as the original. Owens wins with a Stunner our of nowhere. There will be a Molson beers spilled on the ring as Canadian fans rejoice after seeing to Canucks lose already.

WWE Championship
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Randy Orton

Colin: These two can deliver a match of the night candidate if they really want to. There’s a long history between these two and Orton always came out on top. I think it’s time for Kofi to get the upper hand on Sunday night. Kofi retains.

Magnum: I’m torn on this one – I don’t know who’s going to be the first WWE Champion when Smackdown moves to FOX in the Fall. I want to believe it’s Kofi, but it’s possible that it won’t be! Orton could ultimately win the title, but this would be a HUGE rub for Kofi if he won this match. Considering the benefits vs. the risks, I’m gonna roll with Kofi one more time.

Tom: I’ve picked against Kofi a couple times since Wrestlemania and have been wrong. Randy doesn’t need a title run and seems odd they would. Kofi gets the win over Orton to still be your WWE Championship.

WWE Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Seth Rollins

Colin: Man, Rollins has been receiving some brutal, brutal beatings at the hands of Lesnar on Raw. There has to be some sort of a win for Rollins down the line again, but most likely it won’t come at Summerslam. If Brock is back “for good,” then he’ll probably keep the title for a while and not devalue the MITB cash in.

Magnum: I felt really bad for Seth Rollins – When he ended last Monday’s promo with a guarantee that he would beat Brock, the audience should have exploded…instead, they basically shrugged their shoulders and moved on to the next segment. That’s not a good sign for Seth. I want to believe that he’s going to win the title back…but if Lesnar loses, what’s left for him? It’s pretty much a lock that he will never return to UFC…so what’s going to happen? Seth wins and we never hear from Brock again? Fat chance. Brock retains.

Tom: I feel like we’ve seen this before, but here we are again. This one will not start the show like WrestleMania. I feel WWE will retool or update the Rollins character and that starts will Seth crashing into Suplex City. Brock will retain with 13 German suplexes.

Well, folks, there you have it! Mathematically, each of us have our own path to victory. What do you think? Let us know on Twitter! Until next PPV, this is @TheMagnumDA signing off.

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Magnum DA
Magnum DAhttp://www.twitter.com/themagnumda
@TheMagnumDA writes the Raw & Smackdown Live TV reports, and he is also the PPV Pick'em reporter for Wrestling-Online. He currently resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He enjoys traveling, reading, and playing PSN (ROCKofJERICHO).

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