
WWE Clash of Champions 2017 Pick’em report

Hello everybody! It’s @TheMagnumDA with your WWE Clash of Champions Pick’em report. This has become an intriguing PPV for more reasons than championships. Tonight, the WWE careers of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are on the line in a tag team match with two active referees scheduled…Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon! Who knows how this is going to unfold, but I have a feeling tonight will be quite memorable. Let’s get down to the picks!

Preshow: Mojo Rawley vs. Zack Ryder

Magnum: THE HYPE BROS EXPLODE, BROTHER. I always believed that if the Hype Bros would split up…that Rawley would end up being the benefactor. I expect Rawley to finally show that aggressive edge, leading to a big win.

Colin: How ironic, the start of their feud and they’re stuck in the Kickoff match! The heel will go over in this one, so Mojo for the W.

Baron Corbin (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler (United States Championship)

Magnum: Bobby Roode got the mic time on Tuesday night, although he did not exactly deliver. That said, I think they’ve got their eye on Roode as US Champion. I think Corbin will be kept strong, so if Roode wins the title, he’s going to pin Dolph Ziggler to do it.

Colin: In my opinion, Roode should be in the main event picture, not stuck here. Boy did they kill his momentum coming from NXT. Oh well. I think Corbin will retain here.

The Usos (c) vs. The New Day vs. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin vs. Rusev and Aiden English (SmackDown Tag Team Championship)

Magnum: I’ve heard for the longest time that Vince wants to put the titles on Gable & Benjamin. I am really enjoying the Rusev/English tag team, but since they got the win on Smackdown, I can’t get behind them. Give me the collegiate legends to take the WWE Tag Team Championships.

Colin: I love The Usos as the champs. I don’t see Rusev/English winning, we’ve been there with The New Day, but is it time for Gable/Benjamin? I don’t think so, at least not tonight. Usos to retain.

Shinsuke Nakamura and Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn (Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan as co-referees, if KO and Sami lose they are fired from WWE)

Magnum: I have this strange feeling that Daniel Bryan is going to accidentally cost RKO and Shinsuke the match. This will allow Sami and Kevin to continue their claim that Daniel Bryan is looking after them. I know that KO and Sami have been in hot water with WWE management, but I think they’re going to keep their jobs after tonight.

Colin: I can’t see Zayn/Owens leaving so they will go over for sure. The million dollar question is how? Will someone turn heel?

Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Natalya (Lumberjack match, SmackDown Women’s Championship)

Magnum: This has all the makings of a Riot Squad assault, followed by a MITB cash-in. I could see the Smackdown roster revolting against Ruby and friends, but when Carmella appears…she’s going to bring Big Cass with her. Not even the Riot Squad will want to mess with Big Cass.

Colin: I’m picking Charlotte here and I could also see a MITB cash-in. Charlotte needs to move to a new feud, and so does Natalya.

AJ Styles (c) vs. Jinder Mahal (WWE Championship)

Magnum: I am thinking this is the end of the line for Jinder Mahal. He’s had a good run legitimizing himself, although he had some missteps along the way. It’s all part of the learning process. Tonight, he’s going to learn how to do the J-O-B on the P-P-V. AJ wins in a surprisingly phenomenal match.

Colin: The Mahal experiment, for all intents and purposes, failed. Nothing against the guy, but not even India backed him. I can see AJ walking down WrestleMania still as the WWE champion.

Well, folks…there you have it. Enjoy the PPV tonight! See you in 2018! 🙂

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Magnum DA
Magnum DAhttp://www.twitter.com/themagnumda
@TheMagnumDA writes the Raw & Smackdown Live TV reports, and he is also the PPV Pick'em reporter for Wrestling-Online. He currently resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He enjoys traveling, reading, and playing PSN (ROCKofJERICHO).

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