
Cody takes unprotected chair shot to the head that required 12 stitches

Cody Rhodes took an unprotected chair shot to the head yesterday night at Fyter Fest in the aftermath of the match against Darby Allin.

It was Shawn Spears, the man formerly known in WWE as Tye Dillinger, who came in as a surprise to flatten Cody with the chair. Unfortunately for Cody, he decided not to put his hands up and Spears whacked him good with a massive swing.

Rhodes required 12 staples to the head after the match but AEW said that there was “no concussion” detected.

On commentary, even Jim Ross said that what we saw should not have happened. Unprotected chair shots are super dangerous and have been banned by WWE for several years.

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Colin Vassallo
Colin Vassallohttps://www.wrestling-online.com
Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996. He is born and raised in Malta, follows professional wrestling and MMA, loves to travel, and is a big Apple fan!

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