Home General Zahra Schreiber discusses her release from WWE

Zahra Schreiber discusses her release from WWE


Zahra Schreiber, the girlfriend of Seth Rollins who was released from her WWE developmental deal last week, spoke about her release for the first time in a post on Instagram.

Schreiber, who actually made her debut just days before at an NXT non-televised live event, said it was her dream job and she’s grateful and fortunate to have had her time with WWE.

“Last week WWE made a decision to release me from my contract due to posts I made on social media years ago, long before I was ever employed by them. I understand why that decision was made, but it broke my heart and my spirit,” she wrote. She added that she doesn’t want her mistakes to reflect WWE as a company and the responsibility was just her own.

She apologized to everyone who she might have offended by her posts and said that she is in, “no way, shape or form an anti-Semite, nor do I condone anti-Semitism.” She said the photos displayed in her room were nothing more than a story although she understands how it was insensitive and in poor taste.

Schreiber said that the media did not pick up her previous photos where she was at the Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany and how she she noted how disturbed she was by the entire place. “Unfortunately, social media rarely notices positivity, and can be an evil place where opinion is easily manipulated to fit the circumstance.”

She hoped that those who she has offended can forgive her and all she can do now is learn and move forward trying to be better every day. “Everything I’ve worked for and dreamt of is gone. In an instant, I lost it all. But I can’t let this define my life. I know who I am as a person. I’m as human as anyone else.”

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