Home General Superstar Billy Graham rips Ronda Rousey in a post on Facebook

Superstar Billy Graham rips Ronda Rousey in a post on Facebook


Superstar Billy Graham ripped Ronda Rousey a new one in a post on his Facebook page yesterday, labeling her as a “UFC failure” and a “jobber.”

The WWE Hall of Famer said that he finds it insulting that she’s using Piper’s gimmick and that shows that she does not have “an original thought in her head” and also shows “how shallow” she is.

Graham addressed the rumors that there were some thinking of having Triple H submit to the armbar at WrestleMania 34 during the mixed tag team match which, according to Graham, “would have been received as well as a cement truck full of pig sh*t” being dumped on fans inside the Superdome.

“RR is not a god of some kind but a mere female and UFC failure that got her flat ass kicked twice on the way out. Now this is nauseating. I demand that you fans respond to this crap the WWE is trying to lay on you by even thinking about her making HHH tap out, God this makes me sick,” he added.

Despite signing a WWE Legends deal in 2015, Graham has been a frequent critic of the company and holds nothing back when it comes to bashing them.

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