Home TNA Trio of former Impact Wrestling stars return at BFG 2020

Trio of former Impact Wrestling stars return at BFG 2020


Three former Impact Wrestling stars made their return to the promotion last night in the Call Your Shot gauntlet match at Bound For Glory. These were Daivari, Swoggle, and perhaps the biggest surprise of the night, James Storm.

Daivari, under the name of Sheik Abdul Bashir, wrestled for the company between 2008 and 2009, winning the X Division title once. He was recently working as a WWE producer until he was cut in the mass layoffs in April as part of the COVID-19 cost-cutting measures.

Swoggle, who wrestled as Hornswoggle in WWE, wrestled for Impact between 2016 and 2017 although there were reports at the time that he was never under a contract with the company. He last made a cameo appearance for WWE at the 2019 women’s Royal Rumble match.

And finally, James Storm also returned, weeks after he revealed that he had a WWE contract offered to him this year but it was never executed due to bad timing with the coronavirus pandemic. Storm worked for Impact between 2002 and 2015 and was part of the inaugural TNA pay-per-view in June 2002. He made a second return to the promotion between 2016 and 2018 and is a multi-time champion for Impact.

It remains unclear if all three are set for the long haul with Impact or if it’s just a one night only return for Bound For Glory.

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