Home WWE WWE removes new animated series Cheap Pops after one episode

WWE removes new animated series Cheap Pops after one episode


WWE’s newest YouTube original series titled ‘WWE Cheap Pops!’ has already been canned and the first episode was removed from both WWE.COM and the YouTube website.

The animated series was a production of LowBrow Studios and its Creative Director, Mike Parker, posted a message on Facebook announcing what seems to be the end of the series.

“Welp. I don’t know any details, but WWE had to take Cheap Pops down super fast. It was doing great, thanks for all the shares…but yeah. We’ll see what happens,” he wrote.

It was being promoted as the ‘most absurd WWE series ever’ and episode one had Kane getting a makeover, Adam Bomb visiting the doctor and Brock Lesnar going hunting. It also features cameos by Cena, Daniel Bryan, Stephanie McMahon, and the Berserker.

While WWE took down the 2 minute 15 second program down, it’s still available on YouTube through other users and if you’re wondering what the series is about you can see it below.


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